Almost 3 quarters of Canadians are in debt so if you’re searching for solutions you are not alone! Coming up with a financial plan to get you where you want to be is a great idea. It can be terrifying to face your debt but you’re taking steps in the right direction and there will be a solution that will work for you, no matter how bad you think your debt situation is. Let’s explore some options:

Do you have a lot of unsecured debt? You should look into debt consolidation so you can lower your monthly payments and keep all your debts in the same place! DEBT CONSOLIDATION

Are you not currently a homeowner and your debt or credit score are stopping you from qualifying for a traditional mortgage? Why not consider a less traditional method to obtain a mortgage, like a Private Mortgage. PRIVATE FINANCING

There’s a lot of small things you can do on your own to improve the situation you are in all by yourself. Check out these blogs to learn what you can do:



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